13 Januari 2011

Tolong Saya! Please Help Me!

Teman-teman yang baik, tolong bantu saya ya..
simple, cuma vote saya aja utk mendapatkan summer course di Kanada.. tinggal ikuti link yang nanti akan saya berikan dan klik jempol diatasnya ya (di link tsb).. makasih buanyak.. :)

ini link-nya: http://joiedemontreal.ca/profile/4241/winwin-faizah

Hi my great friends..
please help me to get my dream comes true. vote me to get a summer course in Canada. it's simple, just follow the link below and click on the thumb pic (like) on the link below. that's all and you'll help me get closser to my dream.. thanks a lot.

here is the link: http://joiedemontreal.ca/profile/4241/winwin-faizah

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